Pride Flag
Photo by Dr. Aaron Devor
Pride Flags are Important
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LGBTQ2+ and Trans+ flags indicate a collective identity and a sense of pride among sexual and gender minorities. While there is much to celebrate there is much more work to do to eliminate homophobia and transphobia.
UVic Resources
Department faculty members researching and teaching in the area of Gender, Racialization and Ethnicity
Moving Trans History Forward Conferences
University of Victoria Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy
Research by Sociologists
Anderson, E., & Travers, A. (Eds.). (2017). Transgender athletes in competitive sport. Taylor & Francis.
Bitterman, A., & Hess, D. B. (2021). The life and afterlife of gay neighborhoods: renaissance and resurgence (p. 427). Springer Nature. (full text of book available here)
Cannon, Martin. (1998). The Regulation of First Nations Sexuality. The Canadian Journal of Native Studies XVIII, 1(1998):1-18
Carroll, M. (2020). What Can Asexuality Offer Sociology? Insights from the 2017 Asexual Community Census.
Devor, A. H. (2004). Witnessing and mirroring: A fourteen stage model of transsexual identity formation. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 8(1-2), 41-67. DOI: 10.1300/J236v08n01_05
Devor, A., & Haefele-Thomas, A. (2019). Transgender: A reference handbook. ABC-CLIO.
Jacobsen, H. (2020). Who Counts as Trans? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Tumblr Posts.
Fetner, Tina, Athena Elafros, Sandra Bortlin, & Coralee Dreschler (2012). Safe Spaces: Gay-Straight Alliances in High Schools, Canadian Review of Sociology 49 (2): 188-207.
(2019). The feminist frontier: on trans and feminism, Journal of Gender Studies, 28:2, 145-157.
Lau, F., Antonio, M., Davison, K., Queen, R., & Devor, A. (2020). A rapid review of gender, sex, and sexual orientation documentation in electronic health records. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27(11), 1774-1783.
Pfeffer, C. A. (2014). “I Don’t Like Passing as a Straight Woman”: Queer Negotiations of Identity and Social Group Membership. AJS 120, 1: 1-44.
Rutherford, L., Stark, A., Ablona, A., Klassen, B. J., Higgins, R., Jacobsen, H., … & Lachowsky, N. J. (2021). Health and well-being of trans and non-binary participants in a community-based survey of gay, bisexual, and queer men, and non-binary and Two-Spirit people across Canada. Plos one, 16(2), e0246525.
Shuster, Stef. (2020). Carving Out a Niche or Finding a Place at the Table? The Sociology of Transgender Studies. Contemporary Sociology, 49(1), 2–9.
Travers A. (2018) Transgender Issues in Sport and Leisure. In: Mansfield L., Caudwell J., Wheaton B., Watson B. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Feminism and Sport, Leisure and Physical Education. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Westbrook, L (2020). Unlivable Lives: Violence and Identity in Transgender Activism. University of California Press.
West, C. and Zimmerman, D. (1987). Doing Gender. Gender & Society 1, 2: 125-52.
Related Videos or Websites
Video: Introduction to the Chair in Transgender Studies at UVic
Video: Moving Trans History Forward (2021)
Video: Safety in Numbers: A Trans History (Telus)
Video: Transforming Gender (CBC)
Video: What it’s like to be intersex
Video: A different kind of superpower: what it means to be intersex
Website: 5 Things I wish you knew about Intersex People
Website: The beyond bullying project (LGBTQ+ gender and sexuality in schools)
Sociology Courses at UVic
If you would like to explore gender, sexualities and transgender rights in more depth, the Department offers a number of courses you might be interested in:
SOCI100A – Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Social Life
SOCI100B – Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Contemporary Society
SOCI202 – Constructing Social Problems
SOCI204 – Self, Identity and Society
SOCI205 – Sociological Perspectives on Family Relationships
SOCI235 – Racialization and Ethnicity
SOCI281 – Sociology of Genders
SOCI313 – Sociology of Law
SOCI316 – Social Movements
SOCI318 – Social Change
SOCI326 – Social Networks
SOCI331 – Politics and Society
SOCI382 – Sociology of Sexualities
SOCI383 – Feminisms in Theory and Practice
SOCI435 – Issues in Gender, Sexuality and Trans Communities
SOCI436 – Issues in Sociology and Social Justice
SOCI438 – Issues in Contemporary Sociology
SOCI439A – Community Engaged Sociology I
SOCI439B – Community Engaged Sociology II
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